OnAdditive is now pleased to offer US sourced heaters with thermocouple as an alternative to expensive 3ntr heaters. The US heaters use the same heat bridges, tube adapters, and nozzles as the 3ntr heaters.
The US heaters are more robust than the 3ntr heater leaving them far less prone to crack or degrade over time. The maximum temp rating is 450C.
After significate testing, we found the new heaters to perform almost identically to the 3ntr heaters in most part print scenarios when using common material such as ASA, TECH-G/PETG, or SSU00/HIPS.
The original bespoke ceramic heater with thermocouple, sourced from 3ntr in Italy, will continue to be offered for purchase, as supplies last. We currenly are offering this heater in like new/low hours condition for the same price as our new US Heaters.
Please note, an open-end 19mm wrench or soft jaw pliers is recommended for installation.
We encourage you to try these new heaters at significate cost savings and would love to hear your feedback. Please feel free to reply with comments, suggestions, and success stories to
*Heat Bridges, Nozzles, and Tube Adapters may be purchased separately.